In February 2017, Sports Shorts looked at the EU angle on sports governance, particularly the European Parliament’s Resolution on an “integrated approach to Sport Policy: good governance, accessibility and integrity”. That resolution included a call upon EU member stated to introduce governance conditions on funding, similar to those contained in UK Sport and Sport England’s … Continue Reading
Governance in sport has been a hot topic in the UK in recent months, with the release of Sport England and UK Sport’s “Code for Sports Governance” on 31 October 2016, followed by the inevitable media scrutiny on some of UK’s sports governance juggernauts, including (in particular) the FA and, most recently, the revelations and … Continue Reading
On Monday, Sports Shorts commented on the launch, by UK Sport and Sport England, of a new Code for Sports Governance (“Code”). As we noted in Monday’s post, much of the initial press coverage focused predominantly on the Code’s gender diversity provision (see, for example, here, here, and here), with the BBC even labelling it … Continue Reading